Sunday, January 28, 2007


FELGT transgender area coordinates the work of different groups and associations of transgender people belonging to the Federation organizations. The fight against the transgenderphobia (term used to condemn the homophobia especially against transgender people), the right to a good health and the elimination of administrative and juridical obstacles for transgender people are the main aims of the area.

Claiming :

1. Right to the own sexual and gender identity, which should be regulated by a Law about the Right to the Gender identity which considers multidisciplinary solutions – through the coordination of different ministerial departments involved – and the social problems of the transgender community.
2. Control of the transgender people right to the rectification of the name and the sex in the Civil Registerthrough common administrative proceedings, without the need of a sex change operation, enclosing the transexuality diagnosis certification expressed by a specialized psychotherapist (psychologist or sexologist) and the certification elaborated by an endocrinologist which accredits the clinical hormonal treatment followed by the transgender person.
3. Health insurance for the treatment about the sex re-assignation (which includes a psychotherapeutic attention for the diagnosis and a fundamental support for the transgender person, for an hormonal treatment with recurrent endocrine tests and for the different plastic surgery operations, such as, the operation for a sex re-assignation). For this, it would be better to create an Interdiscipliary Gender Department.
4. Public propaganda of the scientific investigation about all the fields linked with the transgender community, such as the main disciplines involved (medicine, psychology, sociology, anthropology,…), focusing the attention on the investigation of the progresses in the different medical treatments (endocrine check-up and surgery for the sex re-assignation).
5. Politics started by Public Administrations, trade unions and business men to eradicate, in a progressive way, the work discrimination suffered by transgender people which want to express freely their gender identity.
6. Regulation of the prostitutes’ rights, independently from the workmeasures implemented with this colective.
7. Social and educational sensitization about transexuality. Education towards diversity, promoting the democratic values of respect, understanding, tolerance and social equality.
8. Political asylum for those people which suffer persecution, discrimination, tortures or aggressions in their countries for the free expression of their gender identity, focusing the attention on the reports elaborated by national and international colectives, associations and Human Rights NGOs.
9. Condemnation of the transgenderphobia (phenomenon which expressed itself through attitudes of hate and contempt towards the transgender community and aggressions against the same community) and its recognition as crime in the Criminal Code.
10. Rehabilitation and indemnity for those victims which suffered the application of the Ley de Vagos y Maleantes and of the Ley de Peligrosidad Social (law against the GLBT community and all those communities condemned in the franquism age).
11. Tackling with clarity the problem of the transgender people confined in prison, allowing them to be confined in male or female prison according to their gender identity, socially expressed.
12. Public financing of the self-support associations to the transgender people.

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